Friday, February 3, 2023


When you’re in front of a carrot
Don’t be a bugs bunny
Vitamin A is overrated.

Look up at the sun
And soak in the D
There is always vitamin sea
From well earned vacations.

Don’t pivot like Ross
But like Rachel
Cumbersome couches
Are meant to be potatoed in.

Be a root
Like groot
Once dead
Twice alive
Thrice tempted
Always alive
To the realm of (im)possibilities
Your mind is magic


  1. What fun you had with this! I particularly like that 'couches / Are meant to be potatoed in' and 'vitamin sea'.

  2. "Cumbersome couches" gets some mileage. We left one out front with a "Free, Take Me" sign. The garbage truck came along, threw in the back and ground it up.

  3. What an absolute delight your poem is!!! My son and I did just that during January which is cold and dreary in Central Oregon ... a month in warm sunny Florida ... talk about a pivot!! Cheers.

  4. The mind is a mighty source of magic indeed. How else would we find the way to make the impossible, possible?

  5. You seem to be in a magic land. On a lighter note, I learned recently that there is a Vitamin M too which means money underhand!


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