Friday, September 1, 2023


                        Triumph or disaster?

Is it what I feel?

What I’m left with at the end?

A thing or an emotion?

A subtle sense of pride

Of besting the beast?

Or the harrowing pain

Of the tear in my stomach

Leaking more pain than I ever could handle?

Is it the result?

Or my reaction to the result?

What if I won Kashmir but

Lost the election?

Is it universal or personal?

A zero sum game

I am a hero sometimes.

It is how I sleep at night.

It can be neither

but actually it is both. 



  1. Powerful and intriguing. I am supposing that your lines 'What if I won Kashmir but / Lost the election?' are metaphorical, as Led Zeppelin's use of the name Kashmir was, although your picture suggests the geographical Kashmir. (Certainly a name to conjure with! Growing up, I was fascinated by romantic images of the historical Kashmir – before all the current territorial disputes. But I digress....)
    I like the way you arrive at the resolution, 'actually it is both.'

  2. This is a beautiful and thought-provoking personal poetic puzzle. Love it!!

  3. Many thoughts contained within your words - eternal opposites are Nature's big conundrum in more ways than one...

  4. You captured the essence of 'two sides to every coin'...

  5. I agree it is two sides of the same coin.

  6. One of my favourite old albums. I think it is all a zero sum game. In order to have everything we must realize that we have nothing.

  7. Kashmir looks so beautiful. Always lovely to read you, Samyuktha. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Did you hear that Mary, Susan, Sumana and i started a once a week prompt site called What's Going On? A prompt every Wednesday. Link is on my page you visited.

  8. Well written. You have a beautiful blog


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