The alarm went off at 6 AM. However , I was already ready for it! What has happened to my life in the past 10 days?! Here I was having a bath with hot water (!) , preparing myself for my first day of school in Chettinad Vidyashram!! =O Yet the picture of me walking parallel to the KFI roads , bubbling with energy , expectations and dreams and inhaling the fresh air , is still lingering in the back of my mind......Life as surely changed for me, and it is upto ONLY me now to make it better or worse.
Somewhere during the May twenties , when I was finally starting to think that holidays can be started. My room had finally been re decorated and , I was in love with new bed which was wood and red to my liking!! I was reading the
Dark summit , a non fiction and as usual an earphone was gifting music to my ears...what more can I ask for? 15 more days of holidays , an awesome school to go to (kfi) and I had already befriended everyone! Nothing can go wrong.....

No! Life gave the answer to me - in the hard way. My dad came and lied next to me in the comfortable bed , and was like " You are enjoying your holidays eh?" and I was like " What else can I do?" . All of you must know this - we are a family of big mouths , except my mom who is very discreet. He gave me the grin and revealed that KFI has sent a letter stating that I was not eligible for joining their school as I had not written the board exams .
That was when everything started coming reeling down. My old school BVM , had not allowed the students to take the board examinations and assured us that taking school exams can also provide me admission in other board schools....All I can say of that is that we have the proof and can sue the school for not checking the rules. Bottom line - SCHOOL CONDUCTED EXAMS DO NOT LET YOU CHANGE TO ICSE BOARDS.
I am not going to elaborate my hate for bvm here , after all it has helped me for the past 12 years and I am sourly disappointed that such a huge institution was so irresponsible in such an important matter like the board exams. I really really hope that they realize this and amend their mistakes by next year...after all CCE is a new phenomenon and mistakes are bound to happen - with my life.
Turning back to those horrible days , when I awaited the result - not my exam ones but for the letter from ICSE or CBSE telling that everything was okay , were indeed HORRIBLE. The experience has proven that purgatory is worse than hell.Every morning I would wake up .... and immediately remember that my verdict was still hanging like an albatross from my neck . Anguish was what filled my days and tears which were considered stupid covered my cheeks....In the end I was just begging the highness for a result .
In the meantime my results came , I had done extremely well , a 9.8 out of 10 ( my style to fall short of .2 =P ) and this fueled my anger towards the system , which was causing jeopardy in my life. Frankly , I wanted to murder Kapil Sibal for bringing in something in a Beta version , this is not the computer to just check , students future are at stake!
A day after my result , I woke up at 12 as usual , only this time a phone woke me up! It was from my aunt she was like " Chammu , we are in CV. We just spoke with the principal and she was very impressed with your marks and your ambition to pursue humanities. She has agreed to give you admission and is really eager to meet you! " and cut the phone before I could shout "what about KFI??"
Life was a daze. It has been my dream right from 5th standard to join kfi , my bro studies there and my mom works there. My kalari payattu classes were in the school's assembly hall , I have attended the lunch there informally many a times , right from the start of 10th , whenever dejected while studying , I have treated myself to the imaginary classes in KFI , everyone smiling , to motivate me....I know all the teachers and more importantly I have lived all my life for that moment where I would enter the school as a student....which I was not going to now - forever.
HOW CANT THIS HAPPEN TO ME???? I was in the car , going to CV.
My mom - " You are lucky , you are getting the stream you wanted!"
Me- ( with maximum effort to stop the voice breaking) kfi....
mom - We received a final letter from ICSE stating that you cannot....
Thank you mom , you have removed the necessity for me to speak , I am CRYING now , we were nearing CV and the driver was going slowly , giving me time to regain my composure. It took all that was inside me to stop crying and meet the principal. I got the admission in a day - a world record. All because of my grade - which I had control of.

The foremost thing I am going to do , once I become a lawyer , is stop THIS from happening. I cannot let this to happen to anyone else - the grueling 45 minutes of interview ,the wait and the happy news that I got ADMISSION!!! The socializing , Mamandur trip where I received a lot friends , inboxing Karunya who I decided as my BFF without seeing or talking with her directly....the sharing we had! <3 , choosing the subjects , getting specimen copies from the teachers , career counselling from my class teacher , the privileges I enjoyed! =D , the dreams , hope , faith and happiness! After all this! Like a 'niruthunga' (stop!) right before someone ties the thali my biggest dream bubble was burst with a huge thorn .
Now I am in CV. I have attended 2 days of school. I am regarded as a quite , silent girl....maybe because I can't talk. I am still in the shock . How many times in a million will this happen? and why ME? Is it wrong to love something so dearly?? I cannot fathom anything. I got the marks , the words to speak in an interview. I won the cup , given it and how can you snatch it just because the referee was BLIND?
Before this sad story gets a violent twist I am signing off!!