Thursday, April 28, 2016

But , Have you?

The day has come
where Meredith is without Derek
Castle is without beckett 
and there is no sex scene in game of thrones 
I repeat ,
and there is no sex scene in GAME OF THRONES!

The day has come , 
Sachin is seen without his bat 
his perfect persona somehow incomplete ; 
csk is without a match
its heart still beating 
in the million hearts of its faithful fans

The day has come 
you are finally out of college 
All those million dreams 
you got in bed early for , 
have suddenly become real.
Point is , the day has arrive 
But , Have you?

Be careful what you wish for , 
they so often say.
When you shut your eyes
a bit too tightly 
you tend to get removed 
                                                                          far away from reality 

You open your eyes 
sudden glare of reality 
overpowering your dreamy eyes
into tears of submission.
Wearing the cooler of attitude 
through the seemingly 
eternal summer of reality
can shade your perceptions forever 
in almost irreparable ways.

Only time will tell, 
if you can outlast your
current state of affairs 
But Don't 
be too happy if you do.
cz the winter hasn't arrived yet 
but maybe this time 
you can arrive first.