Saturday, September 24, 2016


4 walls and a door
Don’t forget the floor
That is the place I live
And not my home

Home is where the heart is
And lives
unequivocally enshrines the self
with a warm sense of belonging

No foreboding or fear
Can reach me here.
I am child once again
In this humble abode.

Raucous waves ~~
Sticky sand which won’t leave my slippers
The fresh smell of salt in the sea 
All welcome me home
How can I resist?

Filter coffee
Happy dog
Loving Grandma
That’s what makes my home
What makes yours?

If you don’t know ,
Go search, seek , build !!
If you do know ,
Visit it more often.
Treasure the warmth it gives you
Even if you live there all the time.
Especially If you live there ‘all’ the time.

(image borrowed , not the one of my dog though :P)

Monday, September 19, 2016


Hope springs eternal they say
Only for those who bloom with sunshine
It didn’t
Give me a rope already
To hang ‘out’ with.

How can
Snaps and flashes of happy
Really compensate for this life
Which is so crappy?
Tell me really

I am trying so hard
To things not to get under my skin
Maybe a dark soul I am
For nefarious I feel
A true villain I am.

Insatiated with my genesis and growth &
Too proud to acknowledge my misery
I still give it company
I don’t want to give into this darkness
Where I seem to navigate seamlessly

When I see a happy person
I wanna dent their teeth and
Wipe that elusive smile off it
Thinking that I grit mine
And flash a fake smile and move

So what is the end you may ask?
To fit in by killing my self or
To stand out by killing myself?
Maybe it is to simply wait for a tomorrow

And hope that hope springs from within 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A dollop of darkness and a drop of sunshine.

It has been a long while my friends since I wrote anything in this space. Never has an injury to my right hand (which I have had one too many of ) affected me as much as now. I am impressed with the hunger I feel to write.

I used to be called callous, insensitive
Was never happier.
The minute I started to give a damn
The tragedy started.
The tragedy called life
Where people you used to love
Became completely different persons
So much so that
You think you wanted a disclaimer
That things could go horribly wrong!
But maybe this is the disclaimer
For the next time.
Writing all this, I look in the mirror
And see a completely different person
Than the years before.
Role reversals
Shape shifting
By the tendrils of time.
I want to be who I was
And also who I am.
A dollop of darkness and a drop of sunshine.
Aloof and caring at the same time.
How to achieve all this

When I can’t even tie my shoe laces on? 

And to my poets united friends. The post came before the motif. So the explanation maybe a bit contrived. So my take is that this piece is an appreciation of the effect of time upon our lives. 

Friday, September 2, 2016

To Srimathi

To sudden spurts of unconditional love which truly does conquer all.

You saw the before and after
Through my thick and thin
Milk and
You are my little tiny tim 

You excel in liking
Every little thing I do.
But nonchalantly overlooking
The very same things too

Worrying is in your DNA
Coolness is your USP
The best mom ever to me

You will always be. 

associated  with poet's united motif for this midweek - conquest