Monday, March 20, 2017


Mirror Mirror!
Cry me a river
The translucent teardrops
Are actually from my forehead
Nothing but stinky fruits of my labour.

The beads of perspiration form
An amoebic puddle
Modern art
Won’t sell for a penny today
Investment for tomorrow you see.

On it,
I see myself of yesterday
A cartoon faced kid
Who wanted to be a detective ,
Kaleidoscopic dance
Ripples of time,
Myself of Today
An adultish looking person
Staring at pools and puddles
Wanting to dream again.

Written for Poet's united Midweek Motif 'Mirror'

Friday, March 10, 2017


I Rebel
Don’t compromise
Non conform
Break Glass Ceilings
Only for it to shatter all over me
Cuts deeper than wound
I persist
Keep flying towards the star
My scars sing to the world
That I am a rockstar
And now I wave down at them
Because I dared to climb up. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Being Wo/man

Reinstating obvious things which are sadly not so obvious to many out there.
On this ‘women’s day’ I want to state the following things : -  

1) Feminism is not a bad word. It advocates the equality of all genders.

2) Like Emma Watson said , Gender shouldn’t be two opposing ideals but a wide spectrum accommodating every one.

3) A man is under pressure to be a ‘man’ too. He can’t show emotions , he HAS to provide for the family and  be tough and captain of the ship at all times. No one wants to marry a guy who is not ‘settled’. That’s sexist too.

4) If a woman wants to start a family and settle down instead of being career driven it is fine too. As long as one is doing something of their own will and not because of societal pressure it is absolutely fine. A man being a housemaker is nothing to be ashamed of. I was very surprised when my juniors were literally bullying their friend when she said her dream in life was to get married and have a family. Shaming is Shaming guys!

5) It is not womens day but women’s day. Please know the difference. Please stop using words like ‘feminazi’. It is a sincere request. It is a disservice to all the people who lost their lives and disrespect to all the feminists trying to express their original opinions.
The worst of the internet

6) While having a ‘day’ for something is a largely commercial concept to drive up sales and makes us ‘feel good’ , it does help bring the limelight on hitherto unknown views and problems. It helps create constructive discussion and debates and also improves awareness and make the issues commonplace. Only if you acknowledge it you can overcome it.

7) Saying that some issues which I feel need to be discussed more :-

  • Acid attacks on women and men ( to a lesser extent)
  • Marital Rape
  • Objectification of men and women in mainstream media and public consciousness
  • Legalization of Prostitution in order to curb Human Trafficking

Sunday, March 5, 2017


When you delete more than you write
It means you aren’t letting yourself fly.
Fear of falling and all the eyeballing
Constraints of prompts
Ideas not blossoming into posts
Clogging of words
Maybe too much powder with too less water
Makes it all too mushy
The word flows only when the thoughts and the passion
Are in right proportion.
But every idea needs its own recipe
And you find it only if you make it up as you go along
So fear not oh heart of mine!
Make mistakes
And stop all the deleting.

It’s very annoying.
Start flying~

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Like today will bring me no good
Charting goals for tomorrow
Only that I don’t what they are.

It is not a question of what to do
I know that I want to do good
For myself and others .
So , a question of how
But the nihilistic why?
Keeps poking its head pretty randomly.

Never wanted to play in the corporate rat race
But the pressure to be ‘placed’
Gnaws my resolve.
Resolve to do what? 
I still don’t know..

Every field is going to be a struggle
What if I pick something I love and
My passion burns into ashes?

Why should there be only one path?
The need to know all the answers
Makes me unravel
The thought of meandering aimlessly
Doesn’t bode well too.

Taking concrete action towards this
Seems like saying bye to that.
So this , that or this and that?
How about Thaat?
