Sunday, January 30, 2011

Witches and kids : KITFR Blogathon

If you haven't already guessed it, a clue for you. It is a German folktale collected by the Grimm Brothers. It is a popular fairy tale of 2 kids!! Still haven't got it?? Well then surely you are a poor reader or a boy :P It is the greatest and the sweetest:
                    Hansel and Gretel 
   The tale goes about like this. ( at least my childhood version does)  There are these 2 sweet kids Hansel and Gretel. They have a nice dad and a cruel stepmother. As the poverty in the family increases the step mom convinces the dad to lose the children in the forest! :O The first time the daddy tries to lose them Hansel smartly leaves a trail of pebbles to find his way back. Unfortunately he isn't second time lucky and the trail he uses (bread crumbs) are eaten by the birds and they are finally lost L

They somehow manage to find a way in the forest and finally find a house! And what a house it turns put to be! Chocolates, ice creams and all other yummy items are the ingredients which make the house!!
Hungry Hansel and Gretel relieve their hunger with this, that is where the ‘witch enters.

She seems to be kind and offers to take them inside. They too unwittingly oblige and find themselves caught as prisoners!
Hansel is locked in the cage and fed food so that he becomes fat enough to eat and Gretel is made to do the housework. However Hansel is rather intelligent and uses the witch’s blindness to fool her and shows her a chicken bone every time she comes to check his health improvement.
Soon the witch becomes restless and decides to take a bite even if he is weak. She asks Gretel to burn him (as if she would) but our babe acts dumb . So when the witch tries to show her how to light an oven Gretel pushes the witch into it!!
Tada! They had escaped! Also they took all the gold from the witch’s dwelling and go back to their home! <3 There they find that their step mom had died and that dad didn’t plan to have any more wives! So guys! Happily ever after!

However lame it may sound now, it is MY CHILDHOOD FAVORITE. I still remember my dad taking me to huge shop and getting me books when I was 2 or 3 ! My very first stories are Cinderella, Snow White and Hansel & Gretel. Out of it I chose this; many may pick the other two. However I always enjoyed this.
Maybe coz while the other 2 are related to finding love, this is more about escape, intelligence and WITCHES!
Surely, now you would know what sort of kid I was :D

Seriously, “analysis?”. Well more like an interpretation. I read the story yesterday, the first thing I should applaud is the simplicity of the words. When I read my own version of the story, I find some words my baby cousin can’t understand but blogs aren’t meant for them!
Next, the realities subtly put in the story: bad step mothers (cliché of course) , ‘influenced’ dads , lost in the forest , witches!! (Not exactly ‘real’ but they are substitutes for kidnappers) This is not the fairy land of Cinderella or Snow whites my dear friends! Very much the earth, very much plausible and has a grey shade to it...
Intelligence is a major factor too . Even a 3 year old cant be fooled to easily, I remember carrying bread crumbs and a cautious outlook whenever my parents took me outside!
Unlike Cinderella and Snow white, this just doesn’t end there it has a moral: Be cautious with strangers, even when their thatches are covered with chocolates!

There are some loop holes too! Stealing Gold is not advisable even though it is from the witch and I still can’t accept the dad being innocent and pushed over the edge (although accepted that 3 year olds don’t care much about it) Again killing the witch is also not advisable , thank god! They did not have ovens in my house when I was young!

Reading it now was so MUCH fun!!! I never Re read -even Harry potters. I thank Kid (in the front row)  for giving me such a tempting opportunity. I am now thoroughly refreshed and am going to pass on this joy to every kid I know ;)
Kids today don’t know the fun of reading. Imagining stories can never be beaten by watching them .
I have taken up the  reading challenge in Good reads ( 120 per year) but I am taking another one , a more relevant one.
‘ By Force or Freedom  , by brochure or torture , I solemnly take up the challenge of making my younger cousins ( atleast 8 in number ) to take up to reading or at least listening.
 This event was managed and powered by the ' Kid in the Front Row ' 
                                                                                   SEMI  :D 

Monday, January 24, 2011

On popular demand!!!

duck - daki! :D

Yes!! My tiny blog has enough readers / fans to have a demand, let alone popular. One of the most important pillars of strength, stepping stone and whatever else for it is Daksha Iyer. I didn’t know much about him before, the blog developed our friendship and he developed my blog with his praise. Over all the development part is for me! =P

So, hats off Daki! Hope I have done enough justice for you. I opened up to criticism properly after his first bad remark on my post. Don’t feel bad, that was encouraging!!

His longest wish, and many others’ is a post on the bestest cookery show on earth MASTERCHEF AUSTRALIA 2!! So there it is – my first post on popular demand , dedicated to Daki ..........
 MC 2

Master chef here.....master chef there.....Master chef everywhere! That was how it was when master chef was running in India till December.
I seriously feel lost and have a huge gap in my day schedule and in my heart without it :’( then why didn’t you publish this before?? Thousands of excuses come to my mind. Mainly because I can pan out almost 100 different ways of this single topic, because I wanted to write from my heart and as Poori said I write sadder stuff better. So, this delay for the separated feel =P

OK. So firstly some of the exciting features of it from the existing millions of it.

  1. The Judges

They don’t need hosts; the judges are MORE than enough! If Matt Preston is tactfully critical, George is frankly frightening! From the ‘Hallelujah’ to Claire’s dish, wiping his bald head and calling Fiona’s dish ‘dishwater’ he is the expressive sweet monkey ( in a good way )
Well Well, but the best of all would be Gary!! Helpful , kind ,friendly ,encouraging he is the best! I went sad when he broke his leg....

  1. The Contestants

ok...I know you are weird
Without the meat there is no dish, without the contestants no dish. They are the soul of the show. From the scientific Jonathon to the ‘from the heart’ Alvin they range in technique. Callum, Fiona, Philip, Claire and Matthew made it ‘watch able’.

If Adam was intelligent, Jimmy was strong in his kind of food. Courtney was always excellently simple and Claire elegantly polite and kind. I would give the friendliest contestant to Peter.

Skye, Callum, Matthew are the dessert kings ( YUMMY looking) Jimmy the curry master , Aaron , Sharnee the pasta masters Adam , Alvin were obsessed with pork Jonathon jumping from pigeon to chocolate mousse.

I shouldn’t miss 2 contestants although I kind of don’t like them. Joanne, the over talking, short and actually good cooking (mostly dessert) homely chef.
Next Jake, the fishy sea oriented cook. Who I hate because of the very reason – Fish.

Go see the title song – it is hilarious! Kate – is my friend Arjun’s favorite dancer in that!

I could go on all day about them , but I should really move on.

  1. The Rounds

15 weeks containing a trillion tough , interesting , innovative challenges which made the whole deed more than watch able – an epic!
Elimination Rounds are my favorite! Pressure brings out the best! Specially the massive sea food platter, macaroon tower, black forest cake , the confusion over the meat in the relatively simple schnitzels , 8 layered cake , fix the dishes , were too appetizing to even watch and I have sworn at my relatively humble ‘thayir saadham’ dinner many times.

Invention tests are funny to watch. Specially the Indian challenge where contestants struggled ( mathew’s goat!!) I loved courtney’s dish.

No point in talking about the outdoor challenges. Every one of them are interesting in their own way!
Phoebe’s b’day party was too good , the food from nature interesting and the tea party – embarrassing!
Trips to Melbourne, London, Paris were amazing even though I didn’t travel them!

  1. Callum’s comic mistakes

He maybe the finalist but his relative inexperience shines in his awkward mistakes! Not listening to George’s advices in the press club made him run to an fro, his mis handling of a simple cake in the soldier’s round! Even more hilarious – stealing of Courtney’s Lobster!
How much ever told he is the most loved contestants for the same reasons!!!!

I would love to write more, but my ever bugging cousin , English test and fatigue restrains me , a sequel to this is sure to follow!!!!!!

I miss you Mc 2! More than anything  I missed  in my life!!


Friday, January 14, 2011

Yummy Routines!!!

Routine is a blanket of fake security and comfort you put on yourself, not unlike the cozy rug you cover your head with, in the morning. As if it will save you from your ever screaming mom’s warning’s to wake up! Same applies for much ever you push yourself into it if your destined to go through an exciting CHANGE you CANNOT stop it.

There is nothing that can challenge ‘Yumminess’. Instead of trying to keeping a bullet in your opponents head, try keeping a burger in his mouth. It works way better, provided that he does like burgers and has a pretty big mouth, you don’t want meat pieces falling on his tee shirts......

So when the ever powerful ‘yummy’ and the ever dangerous ‘routine’ mix together there must surely wrong with my stomach – YES! I have the stomach ache’s Again! Before coming to wrong conclusions – refer to my favorite and one of the best blog posts – A Challenge with “god”!!!

This time around, I myself should have predicted it- the rate I was going in and with my amazing routine I could have landed in trouble during any time in the last 6 months.
I should say that Master Chef Australia 2 stirred up my dead taste buds and made me go haywire. Well take this; my brother who is lazier than me started trying his hand in cooking! He actually came up with impressive results; unfortunately he didn’t let me eat them much. He called it his right as he did the hard work, I said it was my risk and I was doing a much tougher job of eating it!

Therefore my endeavors to eat my bro’s cooking, my penance in the canteen granite slabs (which was loaded with samosas, cutlets and Special’s) ;) and my occasional trips to bread valley which is just a street away, finally Burned my stomach.
A little case of acidity and gas trouble! A blog post for it?? Well idiots! This time around I am not that self centered and this is a message for your stomach too!

I have read in many health magazines and will still see more (you guys still never care) of the importance of not skipping breakfasts’. Maybe that Is the one and only good food habit, I may have. Ok. It is due to my ever shouting yet ever caring mom, she will shower her love by killing me if I skip a breakfast! So, rain or shine, yours or mine I never skip break fasts.  May be the name has its own significance – Break Fast, your anger will break fast if you eat!

Next tip; don’t be shy of eating. Once you have decided, then why are you putting yourself through the turmoil of being choosy?? Don’t just drink your drool, have FOOD!

If you are so calorie conscious, stop just using your mouth muscles! God has given us almost 850 of them and what a shame! We are lazy to move some! You can always enroll in my yoga classes (coming up in 10 years) or always go to your local gym or beach! Do YOGA!

You may wonder why I haven’t written about Junk food and its ‘dis advantages’ (sounding to smooth?) Well the answer I have no right to tell things which I don’t follow. Taking up some of my health tips and leaving behind some of your chips (for me) , don’t forget to follow your Yummy cum kummy ( means less in Tamil) Routine.......!


                                                                                       SEMI!! :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

2 :) days before Christmas!

     Don’t ever speak with me again. Our friendship is over.’

 I was half asleep, when I received a notification from facebook leading me to this rude message. It was from her. My heart skipped a beat, I tried calling her from my almost dead and ancient cell phone, and she didn’t pick up the phone. Well it was no wonder, even during an emergency she never picked up the phone. She was meant to be generous so she called anyone who left a missed call or forced them to leave one (wait! Was that anger there?) . However I knew that she wouldn’t return my call.
Anyone who posts ‘don’t speak to me’ doesn’t, but she did. Well that is Julianne’s trademark- contradicting in every possible way. One year away from leaving the safety of school premises and yet she hasn’t grown up. She called and waited for my voice. I took my time, well I had to think! Being soft would put me on the defensive and being angry would make me sound ruder than usual....So I start in my normal way - with a lie.

“Hello! Who’s this?” as if I didn’t know.
“Oh! So you erased my number?” My god!  This is already going downhill
“Silly! Why would you think that? You doubt me?”  In my most innocent voice (which is kind of hard to believe)
“Because I know that you were online on facebook”
My brother is SO dead. He tells her almost everything!
‘Then came the spontaneous overflow of powerful emotions’ to quote words worth.

“You mishandled my trust in you which I may have forgiven but now you committed a dangerous mistake of lying to me. Ashwini Rajagopalan you are so not my friend anymore @#%$%#^$#%@ #$%^#$#%^%^$&$&^&%@%#@#%^&*$ and so on and on” Then came the tears, a bad cold (it was noticeable when she pronounced the ‘n’ in my name wrong) and a most certain sinus for my poor friend. Unfortunately I couldn’t help her much as she hung up before I could even open my mouth.

Am I worried?  Am I going to start crying, having a cold and then have a head ache like my poor friend? Unfortunately, Sadists- “NO”. I am too practical, busy and intelligent to be worried by Julie. By the way I like my nick name ASH better than Ashwini.............
I am tempted the leave the ‘fight’ as it is and enjoy a few days without her torture but sadly I will have to face another fight tomorrow for – not apologizing. So with a heavy heart I send a SMS telling “’sorry’ and some lame actor’s forward messages”.

3hrs later

Ashwini, no, ash’s once burning confidence had withered down like ash and she was losing her mind. They had never fought for more than 2hrs 58 minutes let alone 3 hrs. There must be something wrong going around. She started calling her, maybe that is was Anne expected – some ego free, humble apology.
Still no reply! She tried her landline but it was busy. Well it was Christmas time and aunty would be busy making plans.....What if Anne never replied back? Even thinking caused Goosebumps.....
There was only a day left for Anne to leave for Madurai and this calamity now........The end product would be Ash getting occupied with these thoughts and not studying during the holidays, that would mean bad concentration hence bad marks, which would result her going to a college which wasn’t MMC (madras medical college) which meant her 10 year dream bubble being burst, her father’s bank savings (actually slavings) WASTED. That meant Disaster with a capital D!! No! She couldn’t afford this distraction at any cost.

So she decided to use the 30 rupees miracle. Ash had this way of ending fights; she was known to be the quickest fight ender or something like that in her school. People even bought her advice for these petty fights. Her cheapest and the sweetest weapon was the ‘30 rupees miracle’

3 R M
Doesn’t it sound like SRM? Well that is Anne’s favorite college. She surely will be applying there. Ok. 3 R M Is very simple, go to the florist near by, in my case it is one call away (geographically 1 street away) and ask him for the 3rm pack or Ash’s pack (seriously!) He would charge 30 bucks and send the most beautiful 3 flowers (mostly roses) of his to your friend if she lives in the region of 10 kms from the shop.
I was hoping for the bill and a ‘sorry sweetie!’ message from Julie. However the guy gave me two shocks.

  1. Anne didn’t accept the flowers!
  2. He charged me 20 bucks extra because he used daffodils instead of roses!

I had to bargain with him for a good 15 minutes before I finally parted away with Rs.25. I came to a few important decision right there. I will have to specify the flower’s name from now on and Anne didn’t deserve those flowers. I am going to investigate why she fought with me and give her a verdict by tomorrow (positively) why would she over act like this? Was she making fun out of me? If she did I will make her taste the same medicine.......although medicines are very expensive and not advisable for health if taken inappropriately. Wasting a day was heartbreaking but the teachers wouldn’t know because it was the holidays.  

The room was way larger than she remembered, and the cake was the yummiest one she ever had. Everyone was dressed in white gowns except her, for the simple reason – that she didn’t own a gown. She was in her White Nike tee shirt and plain jeans; she seemed the odd one out till the moment Anne entered. She was in the exactly same garb except that her tee shirt was black in color. She came down the stairs with a mischievous glint in her eyes and a wide grin on her face. Oh yes! How she missed her friend!
She ran from the corner of the room amidst all the gown clad people who eerily looked like angels and gave the whole thing a heavenly feel...............She ran fast to hug her dear friend. That was when some leg tripped her and she fell down her body hitting her hand on the floor badly. She winced in pain and looked above her................where was Anne? Her grin could soothe the pain, but there was just darkness and more pain.
Then with an evil violet lighting effect, a monkey’s face which she knew too well came before her. There was the same old mischievous grin which undoubtedly belonged to Aravind Rajagopalan – her one and only brother.

           Confrontations with bro

 She woke up with a start. She always loved her bro but always fought with him. Maybe that is how relationships worked. Till the date, both of them must have amassed a fight record of more than 2536 fights as Ash had those many no. of tearful and angry diary entries (yes, she did number. the pages of her book) and however hard it was to believe each and every fight had been started by Aravind. She decided to break the record by breaking that guy’s head to day.
She checked her watch, (doctors always wear watches) it was 10:30 AM. She had one problem doctors should not have; she slept late and woke up late. Maybe she could become a night shift doctor (?)  It was early by her standards, but it was almost afternoon for her bro! (He’s normal in some ways)
So, this was her plan – to knock up some brains to her brother’s head and make him tell why Anne was fighting with her. She actually envied her brother for this reason (only). He had an awesome relationship with Anne and she sometimes feared that he were better friends with Anne than her.
All this was obviously not known to Anne or Aravind. I f they knew they would only worsen it by spending more time together or worse start feeling sorry for her. Ash hated sentiments – it made her shiver.
Aravind was sitting in his usual place, 1 foot away from the television watching a man eating snakes, no, it wasn’t that guy! , it was another guy who was recounting his noble experiences when wolves attacked his neck! Ash never believed when he told her that he watched all these channels for the sake of ‘science’. She always suspected that he was a psycho of some kind or the other. 
He was just Aravind to her, no nicknames maybe because they were too lame or maybe because her younger baby brother would think her as ‘unique’ because she was the only on who called him by his full name and other sort of names that could reveal itself during a fight.

She moved near him. “I will not give you the TV, fool!” he shouted unnecessarily. She had wanted to start the fight, but that fool had started it by himself. He started throwing things at her and asked her to get out of the room. She noticed that he was oddly tensed and worked up, maybe as if he was hiding something.
She moved closer to him and grabbed the remote control from him. She wasn’t very tall but him neither. So she threw the remote aiming at the topmost shelf. Sadly, it hit the edge of the shelf and broke into 3 pieces. Aravind started calling out for mother but she was too busy having a bath to answer his call. She had learnt karate and had reached till purple belt when she had halted her classes to concentrate on studies. So her martial arts skills and her 3 year advantage over her brother made her win easily. A tap on his shoulders and a twist to his legs did the wonder. Her heavy handed and arrogant bro vanished and a brow beaten young boy sat before her. After making her promise that she would take full responsibility for the remote he started to spill the beans.
“Ashu.....” he was hesitant
“Come on Aravind!
“Come on Aravind! You’re my bro. I know that you know why Anne is fighting. Tell me the problem not the answer; I am giving you an easier job than your IIT classes”
Yes. He’s still in 9th standard and has already started taking one of those IIT / FITJEE class.
“Well you are right....but promise me that you wouldn’t go and tell Anne”
“Ok Ok, PROMISE” thank god he didn’t know her 0% track record with following promises! Even if she refused to tell Anne would find out and a lie from her part would be too dangerous.
“Anne is sick of you!” it came out of his mouth as a matter of fact statement.
Ash gave him her burning look. He scowled and continued.
“She knows that you told her mom that she copied in the class test.”
A dark look came in her eyes, with contempt and disgust she said,
“So you ‘know’ that I told her mom and I just ‘told’ that she copies!” He tried to object but she continued “I don’t care what YOU think, just confirm my doubts now. Anne’s leaving today afternoon right?”
“No. Evening”, he snorted.
“11 AM”
“What? She’s leaving now?” she panicked
“No. I told the current time” he laughed at his own ‘joke’
“Ok, she’s leaving at 6 PM” That meant they would start at 4PM to the airport.
“Tell me the story completely”
“This is not the Aesop’s Fables. I just went to her house for downloading some songs, ENGLISH songs” he said with mockery she didn’t have time to waste and discover a new world called English songs while Anne had). “She was crying when I went, and when questioning she told me that her mom knew that she copied during the class test and that she was going to speak with the principal about it.”
“How did she know that I told her mom?” emphasizing on the ‘I’ and ‘know’
He shrugged. “You were the only person who knew her mom and who is......who is...”
“Not trustworthy”
“I was about to tell sincere” and he gave his irritating laugh.
I took the decision to confront her face to face. I have found my opening; she has just assumed something and decided to fight with me! Maybe the fear of going to the principal would have done the cruel trick. How can she doubt me? I am her best friend for life!
I am keeping the plan simple, do what I am natural at. Go on the offensive, blame her for everything threaten her that I would end the friendship. That would make her know that how angry I am and make her beg to me.
Ash had to admit that she was getting excited! True her friendship is at stake, but risks were what made relationships like friendship closer and better than anything.....

Head to Head

“Hi aunty” I entered their house cautiously. I couldn’t afford to look very friendly with aunty then Anne would get more doubtful.
It was 2 PM and all of them had already packed their bags and were dressed to leave for Madurai.The TV was on but no one seemed to care much about it. The small 3 membered family of Anne sat listlessly in the huge living room.
Uncle was taking last minute official calls, aunty was reading the bible and Anne was just sitting soberly as if they had crucified her there. Ash looked at the room as she always did- with awe. It was filled with antique collections and decorations. The wall opposite to the front door had a huge wall painting of Jesus Christ’s ‘the last supper’; it was an exact imitation.
Involuntarily aunt told Anne, “Take Ash to your room and speak with her”
This was a bad mistake. Anne gave me a mean stare and asked me to follow her upstairs. Silently cursing auntie I followed her. She banged the door behind her. I thought of my audacious plan of screaming at her, looked at her eyes and decided against it.
“Julie........” I began.
She came close to me and raised her hands dangerously. I know karate, but I didn’t want to hurt her, so I closed my eyes and was about to duck down when she gave me the ......bear hug.
Oh my god! This was worse than a slap. She wanted to escape but feared the conclusion.
“I’m so sorry Ash! I misunderstood you. I shouldn’t have........”She started crying. Jeez! Tears poured on my back. I was about to wriggle out but her hands were tight and she was 1 foot taller than me and I didn’t want to take the chance. “I will never ever repeat it”

Things were back to normal. “What will you not repeat Julie?” I asked evenly with a smile and managed to make her sit down without more tears spilling on my tee-shirt.
“Oh! Nothing. My mom just told me the truth.......” she wiped her face and gave a smile.
“By the way do you know that I am going to apologize to the principal after the holidays....?”
I didn’t ask her anything. However she continued by herself.
“I’ve realized my mistake, copying in class is no good but you know that I did it out of desperation right?”
“Desperation because of your own laziness” I replied coolly.
“OK Ash. I can’t lie to you. You know that I copied during that biology test. Well...the whole class knew, even your brother knows. My mom came to know about that from some traitor, leave that, it is not important! My mom gave this huge lecture on having ethics, hard work and more importantly the disappointment of the person who studied for the test and come .......more sobs, when I cheat and get more than them. I now understand your pain and why you started that club on facebook. However I would kindly ask you to stop it!”

This was the puzzle of her life! “What club?” she asked bemused
“Stop acting! I’ve forgiven you. It is ‘The Julianne cheaters club’. The administrator’s name was obviously hidden but with the maximum hacking I could I found out the last name of the user and I know it is you because you were the only x Rajagopalan who was online at that time. So don’t feign!”

Ending  ...............................!!!!

She came back to her house with a head loaded with confusion. She thought she was dead and about to be caught red handed when she heard from her bro that Anne knew that Ash was the one who told her mom. However she had the magical opening when she knew it was just an assumption and there was no proof.
Only aunty and she knew about this ‘breach of trust’. It was not done because of hatred or anything but worry. Anne was in 12th standard for God’s sake and she still hadn’t grown up to take the responsibility. Accepted that her dad was rich but money can’t buy everything, at least not the satisfaction of doing well. She knew that her big friend would understand these things one day. That day she didn’t want to be accused of being a bad or ignorant friend because she was not that.
She had called aunt and told about Anne’s growing suspicions. Aunt had taken care of it by telling that baby that the teachers were the ones who had contacted her and subtly put that Ash would be shocked to hear about it. All this planned out Ash had decided to confront her and implement her plan.
However things had twisted dramatically! Haters club it seems! There was surely a huge mistake somewhere.....
She had lost in her one day consolation plan. True lies were her style, but she just couldn’t accept this one because this questioned her very character as a friend. To her being a traitor was better than being a hater. So, she just said there was some mistake with Anne’s judgment and walked off.
True she lost her peace, her concentration, her marks, her career everything (maybe she was exaggerating!)  But her friend and her character was more important to her!

Aravind was sitting closer to his television set and was in a hugging distance from it, it looked as if he was scared that someone may steal it from him anytime. He was scared indeed. However, it was for creating the haters club against ‘Anne’, his best friend -Julianne. Thinking back he became friends with her to capture the attention of his sister. It was as if that Anne was her kin and not him! He irritated her of course but she was his sister. He read somewhere that the closest of brothers and sisters fought with each other. He followed it, anyways in the end of every fight it was him who got beaten up not Ashu his dear sister. He wanted to spend time with her dearly whereas she was so impersonal with him. She always called him ‘Aravind’.
He knew that after Christmas those 2 girls would get closer. Anne was planning a huge surprise party for Ash. He couldn’t stand it. So when Ash was in the toilet, he took the opportunity of a logged in account to start a Anne haters club – from Ash’s account.
He now realized how stupid he was. While Ash was away he had tried to hide an apology letter in her table, there he found her humongous diaries where he found out the role he played in her life. When he was about to call her and tell the truth, Anne called him and told that how sorry SHE felt towards Ash. SO he decided all the problems were over but he still felt scared because Ash hadn’t accepted that she created that haters club......

Ash came to Aravind and hugged him dearly. He couldn’t believe it; this wasn’t Ash’s style......
“I know it is you who started the haters club” she whispered. Ash wasn’t a fool. When she started arranging the sequence of events like DNA sequences she understood that her bro was the weakest link. He had misled her by telling that Anne was looking for a traitor, which turned out to be false. So why had he tried misleading her? She knew that he also would have also just assumed that she was the traitor.
When she was searching for motive she saw a piece of paper which was in her room. It was the apology.
        They were all sitting in Anne’s huge dining room. This time however everyone were dressed in white gowns as Ash requested, Anne had happily given away her gown to Ash and the day was heavenly! A phone call had clarified it all and everyone came away clean including Ash.

      “Baby brother! You have lots of explanations to do! Spending time with me is OK but where did you pick up the idea that close siblings fight with each other? Your nutcase channel showed you this?”

 “No Ash.......actually your diary did” Everyone started laughing even as Ash started twisting her brother’s ears.............


                           The END
                                                                       Samyuktha J
                                                                          X B

Rest . In . Peace

Not the ideal title to start your first post of the year with but that it is how it has turned out to be. I know that my current blog design ( yellow and mustard) is atrocious but I am just checking if good writing can wash it off. Grief , pain , anguish , I feel everything.

What do you think can push an usually senseless creature like me to such extreme emotions? The 5 letter word , which comes out of your mouth easily but not off your heart. Everyone fears it , now me included is the dreadful death.........

My friend Poornima was telling me her story for our English assignment.It is pretty lame ( at least when you hear it) but the moral of the story was life can change in 1 second. Little did my uncle, aunt , their parents and children knew or cared much about it till yesterday. Yes, it happened yesterday only but it already seems like decades......dark decades.

This is what happened ( which shouldn't have happened L) : 
Disclaimer : The following my (mis) interpretation of what happened yesterday

My uncle Chander ( chitha) was driving as good as ever , next to him his dad and his daughter Ankita were sitting in the front seat. I don't know the exact positions but behind them sat my aunt Priya ( peethe) , 2 year babe Drithi ( Dithu) , Dithu's grand mother and their maid. 
Then came the mad elantra which was driving over speed and out of control. There was an old man crossing the road and the intelligent driver decided to risk his life ( not to mention 6 others of the opposite car) and swerved away from the man and went too out of control and ended his life by somersaulting with the car!

That damn car also hit on my uncle's swift , actually landed on top of it. Poor swift must have fallen sideways , where the elantra's bonnet hit ankita's grand dad killing him on the spot. Let's take a minute to salute that great man , who was the best dad , Gran dad , husband to his family, a responsible citizen and a great human being....

Later in the night , even though the fact of his death hidden , his wife passed away too. Unable to survive even 1 day without him. I don't want to go into the damages that happened to her body , calling it 'gory' at the least is more than enough....

Uncle is in hospital with head injury & broken ribs , aunt with a damaged leg , Ankita of all people is in serious condition with a broken neck bone ( or upper spinal I'm not sure) from where cervical fluids and blood escape through her ears! Stop it!!! Why is god so evil?? Million tear drops come tearing through my already swollen eyes....Please pray to him the god for her! please!!
Babe escaped with a hand fracture which must surely be challenging for a 2 year old......the maid escaped with scratches. Touch wood.......I can't find my brother's head anywhere near :) ..pray ...pray....pray!

These are the occasions where the love from everyone has a chance to show itself. One call home...everyone ran to the hospital which was miles away. Me , my cousins and my grand parents were literally meditating near the phone , yes love of course sprouts and tears roll ... Unity wins during these tough times!

One disgusting thing , which surely infuriates is me that , in all the commotion , some one steals my uncle's chain. Surely people are getting heartless and like money quenching zombies nowadays! In this scene at least they didn't take his wallet ( hope not ) , then who would contact us? This is too much to take for even me!

                                                       Another aspect that comes out is - cell phones.
I cannot imagine how all the people who were having different duties - like collecting the 'bodies' of the mortuary in one place , looking after the people in the hospital , dealing with the police , providing live updates to the worried relations could have pulled it of without those magical objects. 
True cell phones carry dis advantages but listen - specially my mom! Phones are the gods during emergency don't dare  have a slight with them!

Let everyone Rest . in Peace. 

Sorry if my version of truth was too biased to my uncle , I love him too much! :)