Sunday, March 5, 2017


When you delete more than you write
It means you aren’t letting yourself fly.
Fear of falling and all the eyeballing
Constraints of prompts
Ideas not blossoming into posts
Clogging of words
Maybe too much powder with too less water
Makes it all too mushy
The word flows only when the thoughts and the passion
Are in right proportion.
But every idea needs its own recipe
And you find it only if you make it up as you go along
So fear not oh heart of mine!
Make mistakes
And stop all the deleting.

It’s very annoying.
Start flying~


  1. My eraser just ran out of the house screaming. ;-)

  2. Ha.. I have too little restraint instead... but I guess we are all different. :-)

  3. The word flows only when the thoughts and the passion
    are in right proportion... I wholeheartedly agree!❤️

  4. Ah, but I'm compelled to tweak and delete. But I hope to fly!

  5. I so agree.....when one lets the words come, they may not all be stellar. But they will keep coming and some will amaze you. I so relate to this poem!

  6. Oh, I love this! I definitely relate. So cleverly written!

  7. This is a delightful reminder to writers - just write!

  8. Start flying. true, don't delete more than you want. let the words flow freely. thanks for sharing.

  9. Good advice. I've actually caught myself counting meter for iambic pentameter or anapestic trimeter. . . . Whew! Not good.

  10. Haha! Beware the eyeballing constraints of prompts. :)


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