How does a class 10 average student's life go about? Wake up , do the assignments with your maximum dexterity (pending ones obviously) , rush to have a bath before your stupid brother/sister (younger ones mostly) who don't understand your urgency and fight for the bathroom. While having the bath revise your trigonometric identities or chemical identities , go to your bedroom to fit into your uniform , find that it is missing / torn / your senseless friend's handwriting on it / not ironed , getting panicked screaming at your mom and getting some back and finally put it on......By the time you would have forgotten what you had studied for the test. So, eat and read at the same time , grab your lunch bag and jump into the car / rush in your cycle / run for your van.
Reach school , write the still pending notes till the assembly bell rings , bear the assembly and the heat , the boring partner jabbering away next to you. Then , go back to class where you got to listen to the teacher's physics lecture and at the same time finish your chemistry classwork underneath the desk and chat with your friend :P
Test period!! where you gotta remind yourself of the various things you studied , sincerely and co operatively at the same time! Stop yourself from distractions like the teacher sudden talkative mood (only during a test! :O) , your partner poking you constantly for "you know what" and the Noise pollution from the P.T ground and your neighboring classes (who love taking revenge ;) )
Before you have the time to memorize this,ANOTHER teacher walks in apologetically and gives you a "creative" assignment , such as debate/ skit / speech and whatever els that would require preparation....the group activities are the WORST , you gotta make everyone ASSEMBLE , then patiently take their views , form a plan , execute it and revise it! It almost takes 1- 1.5 hr which is impossible to allocate with all the tuition classes, extra classes to complete portions , dramatic workshops and SPOKEN Sanskrit classes!
After all this over deal , go home sit on Facebook share your mood , call and torture a friend about the various to Do's for the week.....most likely the next day. Sometimes you even bug them by for a xerox or even beg them for them to do your confusing math lab activity!
You are almost brain dead when you start studying for the next day's test , somehow you study , doze off ,wake up again and CONCENTRATE. You finally goto sleep after catching a glimpse off the last minute of master chef when you remember that you forgot to BRUSH your teeth! Unhappily you close your eyelids....
Again you wake up and do your ever pending assignments with maximum dexterity....................PHEW!
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