This is it. My school life in Bala Vidya Mandir is almost over - full stop. Oh! How I love for more commas and semi colons..........
I remember writing in my other blog post that this place is as green as a mental asylum , let it be, at least it is MY asylum. Every one thinks its my fault because I’m voluntarily leaving but however hard this maybe I have a life in front of me to plan for and B V M just doesn’t fit in....
sweet monsters |
However, the millions of monsters who I love, my friends do fit in , Heck! They are there in Plan A to Z + They are the only species who can put tears in my eyes by that 1 phrase “I will Miss you” . As if I don’t , no one except me knows how many nights I have gone sleepless due to fear of the terrible nightmares featuring these sweet monsters...
This is technically my last day , but I came back home. Why? To go to the ‘doctor appointment ‘ I have to attend as I told the principal or to study ‘science’ as I told these monsters? NO NO NO!!! Idiots! I am scared of u ppl! Scared that you would restrain me , scared that I would break down , Scared that I would tell how horrible I am feeling , the heaviness in my heart , the billions of butter flies in my stomach , Scared that I would cry ; make you guys , technically shit scared about every reaction I would give as I don’t want to offend you for even 1 moment......scared....yes ..... scared!
half empty |
So what has this skl done to me ?
No one remembers about a girl called Samyuktha .J of class 2 . She didn’t even EXIST , if she had left then , she wouldn’t have even had 1 soul telling her bye from the heart. But now , there is this new creature called semi , who is not even considered a homo sapien , a perfectly crazy character everyone seems to be liking , who is tortured with un surpassing love from her favorite monsters every day , who is writing with so much confidence (given from her teachers) , who is also known as Samyuktha. Yes! This skl has made me Semi , a superiorly intelligent creature who loves you all and who always will. =P
What have I done to the skl?
Nothing much . No medals , no certificates , no inclination towards perfectly normal subjects like math and science . A big mouth , rude to almost everyone at some point of time , always littering the skl campus with samosas papers , I have always done bad things to my poor skl L Yet it has always protected me , supported and encouraged me through my highs and lows.
I so badly wanted to write a poem for this post, but apparently my brain ain’t working (what with exams, ‘I miss you’‘s and myself) So sorry!
Now I want to thank some out of the whole for always being there. I know many others would feel enraged for not mentioning them, Pls forgive me as always . Be assured of a personal letter for each of u guys, which I can give only at the end of March.
The first thank you would go to Sahitya Mahesh, my oldest friend J through you I have found Semi. However we maybe now, you are the most special friend I ever had and will have.
Next A BIG one to Meds Easwar =D I haven’t told this b4. Meds! You are the best partner I ever had and the only one who has taken an oath for me ! =P I will seriously miss every minute I spent with you and if there was 1 person I could kidnap to my new skl – it is you!
Next to Poori no Poornima Krishnan =P If you check this blog you would find that I have used her name the most yet she wants a spl post for herself! ( kidding) My closest friend . She knows my darkest sides and I think I know everything abt her except her dad of course =P who I have never met.
The 4 th one is Juni! ( arjun ganesh =P ) A spontaneous replier to whatever I post on Fb , he somehow manages to have my samosas , parotas and act as if I owe him! I will seriously miss that! =P
One to Tanushree! She is my fall guy when I’m in a bad mood. I swear at her because she doesn’t like me do that =D Tanu you are one person I can never live without!
Diya A huge thank you to you for forgiving me for doing all the atrocious things to you =P Be it the 7th std back slap (!) , rude phone calls , bad timing , teasing your height , forgetting your b’day (!) you have always forgiven and I have survived! =P thank you!
Sadly due to all sorts of constraints I would have to end it here!
I will always never forget you all , if I do you have all the powers to kill me!!!!!!!
Ps : Shivani! =P If you are reading this post till here , I Love you! ( always had the doubt that you don’t fully read my posts) You are my Bestest friend unfortunately =P and I cant pass an action without thinking about you ( I would always think if it irritates you) Life without you is going to be SUICIDE , I am going to do it , so wish me all the best!
btw there is always the prospect of me failing my entrance exams or screwing up my interview! cheers!
Yours lovingly
Semi aka bodo
ReplyDeleteill miss u lots man!! ='(
keep in touch
dont forget mee!!
ReplyDelete- EMAYA!!!!LOL!!
ReplyDeleteIdiot. I'm Arjun VIGNESH. No Ganesh and all. Unless you want to side along with Geeta miss on something =P
You still suck for leaving btw :) But it's ok, we'll see you in next year's theater festival ok ah? And plus, you'd better come for Annual Day, Project Day, Annual Production. Atleast twice a week :P
[I just saw this blog post. Very touched that I'm there in it]
Will miss you so much! Take care!
-Arjun 'Ganesh' :P