Monday, March 30, 2020

I see red

There is no doubt, 
the world is filled with a myriad of nincompoops
Today's world especially. 
I heard a right winger legit swing these words on National Television
"The older generation must sacrifice their lives for the sake of the economy"

I see red everywhere, 
but this sunday morning I have decided to take the all appeasing blue
a bold one nonetheless 

Don't be that idiot who thinks 
the virus will swing by you 
and not harm you. 

Not too old
too smart
too insignificant 
for the cornea less corona. 
But you can definitely be too stupid. 

Can't believe this is the gift 
I am getting for my well deserved retirement.
Teaching common sense to the so called well educated generation.
You can balance work with a life only when you have a life.
You might think I am being Captain Obvious
but that has what it has come down to really. 

Simple, rudimentary, life saving instructions
which we somehow are incapable of  listening to it seems!
Maybe I should just use the red paint after all.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Core questions


What separates the good from the bad person?
His actions in the time of crisis, even if the crisis itself was probably caused by him. Will be  my short answer.

Those who turn a blind eye or like a popular tamil saying -  close their eyes and believe the world is dark are the worst kind of people. I was for better or worse involved in an accident today. I had people from the crowd come and tell the person (who was staying back to help the guy he injured) to run away or else he will get in trouble.

What more trouble can be cause if you run away is my next question?

Morally, your conscience will eat you up. Practically, we have CCTV cameras watching our every move. And humanly I do not know how you can leave a man for the dead and just drive on.

Maybe that is what ‘self preservation’ is all about. Isolated individuals escaping detention and infecting hundreds. Those who are worried about getting infected creating a new pandemic by taking all products away from the market shelf.

Maybe it all comes to our 2 basic instincts? The fight or flee one ofcourse. By fleeing we are by no means freeing ourselves. We submit ourselves to the hysteria of the moment. We are letting the moment defeat us. Shouldn’t we be slaying every moment by making the best choices on the ground?

I know it is easier said than done. But weirdly enough the call of the moment seems to be that all of us should be together, by isolating ourselves physically, but be an unified front mentally and emotionally combat this new unknown threat.

It is unique in the sense that we need to operate alone to work well as an unit. By guarding our self we are are protecting the whole. But many still choose to make the wrong choices and worsen the deal for everyone else! This post is for such people.

If you are a doctor, journalist covering corona on the ground or just a kindred spirit. Thank you so much for this support! Have a great day.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Sweet Surrender

Give up!
Trying to fight the great inevitability
of death, pain and loss.
Given in to the memories of yesterday
Crashing into your consciousness
Like waves on a no moon day
Luring you into the bottomless ocean
Why walk on water?
When you can sleep on the ocean floor
Squarepants and what not.