One of the reasons I could not give an earlier post is due to this fracture threat! Threat?
You would ask….heeheee; well I will start from the beginning …………which is 6 years back, may 2004…….
The Flash BACK
I'm not that cute! ;) |
Till that day Semi didn’t know anything about the word fracture, this should not be taken in the wrong way, ie, that she had a bad vocabulary or that she didn’t listen during science class (which maybe true…partly) it must just be accepted that she just didn’t know….
Moving on, she had only got hurt in her head some 8 times till then (in the 9 odd years she lived ) that too due to bad driving by old grand fathers , bad leg eye co ordination in 2nd grade and generally ignorant seniors who bang the door on your head by mistake . Just the things you cant avoid!
Ok, cutting the flashback for the flashback and jumping into THE FLASHBACK ……
It was a summer holiday, which meant as a gonna be 5th grader and already a tomboy, Semi was supposed to be playing with her elder brother’s (cousin) friends. So she took the toughest path and decided to play football with those barbarians. Seeing that she couldn’t help kicking her own foot when she tried to kick the ball the boys made her the goalkeeper.
They never brought the ball her side! Even if they did a ‘defender’ in front of her kicked it back! She thought of having a fistfight with them, when the ball came to….her! She tried valiantly to catch it but being the shortest kid in the district didn’t do her any help. No one mocked her but she was too embarrassed and so decided to help them by bringing back the ball which had already run off through the main road to the other lane…..
Bro called her but she didn’t listen, she took the ball fast and while returning through the main road she waved with the ball and they all waved back…! Wait. Was there some worry in their waves? Wha….BANG!
She was later carried back by her bro, with semi consciousness ( =D ) A motorcycle had banged into her hand but fortunately it was just an hairline crack….with some bruises.
So that guys was the story of my first fracture. So why is Semi getting all nostalgic and posting this funny nonsense? Not just because she loves you people and want to share her privileged nonsense with you or because she is guilty of writing depressed stuff….
It is because of False alarms!
I always know beforehand when I am getting a fracture….like an instinct. A premonition! No one dare doubt me….after at least 5 years jam-packed with at least 1 9 – 20 fracture in my hands alone No one has a right to! [Sprains and ligament tears not included] Why do I always get diverted? Ok Back on track, I know it like some people know their fevers.
So this week where Friday was “the” day I knew for sure that I was gonna break a bone I started getting minor accidents or false alarms.
1st false alarm
December 13,
Somewhere between 6.00 to 7.00
It was my friend’s b’day the next day. So we bought a gym ball for her. I was carrying the huge gift and sitting awkwardly in the 2 wheeler I traveled......then my mom did a foolish thing. She tried to squeeze her way between a bus and a bridge’s arch which were both fatal...
My leg hit the bridge thingy and down I went with the ball. My mother was very panicky and asked me with a concerned voice,” Nothing happened to the gift no kanna?”
It was not much just a small scratch and some pain
2nd false alarm
December 15,
Between 12.40 to 1.00
Emaya, Shivani, me and tanu went to get emaya’s lunch bag. Emy was pretty angry with me for romantic reasons J she was going pretty fast and I tried catching up with her when BANG!
I hit my hip on the staircase’s edge and fell down with pain. I was floating in pain and asked tanu to call the teacher and wasted her lunch period. The teachers panicked but I didn’t. When I checked my hip it had an ugly blood clot. Nevertheless it was just a clot and I couldn’t afford to tense my parents for that.
Even now when I touch it or do something quick it pains but its just a clot.
3rd and final one
December 16
Must be between 2.00 to 3.30
This became almost true. I can’t explain how but I got hurt in my left wrist very badly and was very sure it was a fracture. Even now I have that mild doubt.....
My usual doc is out of town so I went to the best in town. That meant a long wait to go inside ( 1 hr 7 min) 2 min check up , then off to the x ray room where I waited for 25 mins and got stuck with an uncle next to me who took my calm demeanor to be a grant to accuse me of acting . Finally after waiting for 30 minutes more to give submit my x ray to him and seeing that the doc was busy chatting with his friends on yahoo messenger (old guy) I didn’t get convinced that he cared about me.
So I have a sore hand which seems to have very irritatingly red color but which is not BROKEN.
How to end this post now?
These things maybe false alarms or not but when I had 1 premonition something may go wrong I got 3 accidents. This was because of my negative thinking but in another mood I may call it my mom's bad driving skills, my friend's anger and the third a mystery. You caught me in a good mood!
bye byebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebye
yours un broken handedly
ReplyDeleteu write awesome dude!!!!
loove ya!! <3
Pls dont break 4 sometime now
-Sabari =P
i think its awesomely written
ReplyDeletewell done semi:)! -Daksha
thank u daki (as usual :P ) sabari <3
ReplyDeleteU didnt write about when I broke your head!!(Guilty!=P)
-Sabari =P
very informative post for me as I am always looking for new content that can help me and my knowledge grow better.