2010 Abridged............................
What a year has it been! When I was younger I used to wonder " what will it be like when I am in 10th std?" and Cool! I get to feel it now! Its not hard.....yet. I can't believe this! I have found that I have had max fun in the year - @)!).... ie 2010!!!!!!!!
Looking back, diving into nostalgia I have realized that I have watched the most no. of movies this year , been a better couch potato and a mouse potato?! I have started blogging and have add my first trip to north India !! To make my friends happy I started listening to English music and now I am a decent fan.....
Actually I gotta thank my friends for more......forcing me to watch STAR WORLD which truly deserves a blog post ..... I am a happy addict now. Also kudos to Daksha , Narayanan and Poornima who are the few who have been awesome and kind supporters of my blog. Also I am very happy that we all have met up for almost all occasions this year- be it a Deepika's film or Christmas or the useless project day We have gone out!!!!
2010 had a blasty diwali , holy dussehra and a merry Christmas for me.
Wait a minute. What I am writing may sound like the end credits.........I dunno why I am very uninspired to write blogpost nowadays.....I have had millions of ideas but I just can’t continue and develop. I am getting stagnating and boring. So I have decided to stop writing for 3 months at least till the exams’ end.
Jumping back to the topic 2010 saw my facebook account being de activated , a new one getting created and me getting more responsible while adding friends. I had a short stint in ibibo to and it sux! A bad copy of facebook , zapak and what else not’s.
I luv the movies in tamil this year. From Superstar’s block buster Enthiran to Universal hero Kamal’s Manmadan Ambu to Surya’s succeeding Singam and powerful Rakthacharitra to the rise of Karthi and Arya I can see only positives!( Flops of vijay too have contributed to the positives :D )
I also like the fact that bollywood films fared badly. I know I’m evil , but they got what they deserved. Seriously English film makers have to also look at something more than 3d animation and Justin bieber should stop wearing nail polish :P
Sachin Tendulkar crossed many landmarks this year. He’s scored the most no.of runs in this calendar year , crossen many run marks , hit a double hundred in odi for the 1st time and hit 50 test centuries! God!
A main highlight of this year for me is undoubtedly my blog and Master chef Australia.-the latter has infused a great deal of excitement about food for me and my goal in life has shifted to tasting every type of food on earth! Specially George’s bald head , Matt preston’s pink face and Gary ’s sweet attitude has created lots of butterflies in my stomach. Even though Adam won I like Callum better......the various mistakes he’s made are so awkward! :P
Personally for me this year, I have made lots of good friends to name a few:
Shivani- maybe the most important influence in my life for now.
I’m mad that she hasn’t contacted me for the past 5 days!!!
Emaya- We have an awesome relationship going J
She has to stop being possessive :P
Diya – What a neighbor! I <3 u sis!
Stop being polite!
Medha – The funniest partner I have shared space with! The best! <3
Stop those giggles..........actually DON ’T
Poornima- Our friendship has grown more mature and strong over the phone
However my bill is increasing!
Akshath – Kickass Friend! :P
Stop swearing.....no I mean .... just a joke....SWEAR!
Ritesh – A nerdy guy.....wait this was the positives!
A nerdy guy :P
Arjun - My masterchef hacker :P
I hate ur new voice ;)
Narayanan – more a fb buddy :P
Come online more often ...........what happened to that story?
Daki – Awesome humor sense
But don’t tell jokes :P
I know that I have excluded many but the following are the IMPROVED or NEW relationships of 2010!
sorry!! I almost forgot an IMPORTANT person!
Akshu!! - She's Shorter than me and hard to say.......but has more fun than me self
She gets bored easily......but I am there to solve it! :)
sorry!! I almost forgot an IMPORTANT person!
Akshu!! - She's Shorter than me and hard to say.......but has more fun than me self
She gets bored easily......but I am there to solve it! :)
Great article, Thanks for your great information, the content is quiet interesting. I will be waiting for your next post.