So I have been thinking of linking up to this blog party for a while now and finally came around to doing it.
When I think of 'Little things Thursday' the first idea that pops to my head is to share the little nuggets of wisdom I have gathered in my internship .Oh btw I intern at this Tax Law firm. Don't worry I won't bore you with tax...too much :P
1) No field is boring if you have the passion for it.
me when high on life. |
...........Says the girl who loved History in school <3
It is not always love at first sight with all the subjects.It is in fact hate at first sight with some, in the face of horrifying technicalities. But a love borne out of understanding will always be more meaningful than mere infatuation. I guess this rule applies for almost all matters in our lives.
When Randall in This is us said he was really passionate about weather commodities I laughed. Surely people did such professions only for the dough? But being surrounded by people who live eat and breathe for Input Tax Credit and SEZs and WCO ruling and Exemption Notifications I realize every field is lovely in its own way..
2) You just gotta hang in there
................says the person who has quit more things than she likes to admit.
When the going gets tough , the tough gets going is the kind of lame proverb which ignites me to quit things.Honestly, I just love to just get rid of it all the nonsense and snuggle up on my bed most days. However , after facing a week of amazing highs and horrible lows and still floating around I feel enriched. Things are never as bad as we imagine it to be . So face your situations head on no matter what. At best you get what you want. At worst you get stronger from the experience. Why do we quit things again? Oh right because we are scared of what will happen. Just be scared throughout . Next time you will get used to it!
.............Since I promised some tax :P
Input tax is the tax you pay on the raw materials and preparatory stuff you put in to make your final good. If the government taxed a person for the Egg and the omelette he sells , he would go broke. So they have this system where you can get credit (like store credit) for the inputs you paid and cut it on from the amount you have to pay finally to the government.
And in India under the new tax regime of GST they have reduced the rates of taxes to restaurants but they have also removed this ITC system for them. So that is why the costs might change only a little.
4) I type in a very systematic , organised way nowadays.
Bold , underline and very justified ;)
Ta ta! you're free to share your big lil lesson of the week in the comments section! :)