Friday, December 25, 2020

Mask on

 Following is a real conversation I had with my clerk on Covid and masks!

Me: Now that I have given you the money you asked for can you please complete the work on time? The clients are super anxious.

Devraj: Sure ma’am. Have faith in me.

Me: Okay. Bye!

(Me moving to the parking lot)

Devraj: Ma’am will you please take my advice on an unrelated matter. In work you are my senior but in life I am much senior to you…

Me: Sure sir.

(making a mental checklist of all the things I messed up in the last month)

Devraj: Don’t wear a mask ma’am. It is bad for your health

*ok that is not there on any sane checklist*

Me: (laughed nervously) what?!

Devraj: See my lips they have become allergic where the masks have cut.

Me: You must have tied in too tightly. Get one your size. Do you want to die of corona?!

Devraj: Ma’am don’t take it the wrong way but I don’t believe in corona. Have you seen it with your eyes.

Me: Sir! It is not something you can choose to believe in like god. It is science actual facts. Do you think our government which you admit is useless will go to such lengths to protect us from a non existent virus.

Devraj: It is all a scam ma’am. Just another way to take money from the poor and stop us from working.

Me: (trying to find a way to make him understand) Sir, I know the last one year has been very difficult income wise. But isn’t it the same reason you should be more cautious. I know you have 4 children to take care of. Wearing a mask is just the cheapest way to keep you safe from the virus.

Devraj: There is no virus ma’am. It is just common cold. People with asthma always have breathing problem. This is all unnecessary hype.

Me: Sir, my own mother had corona a few months back. She didn’t even have the symptoms you were talking of. But there were some parameters in her blood test like IL6 which were triple what they should be. If we had left it unchecked she had a definite chance of stroke or heart attack.

Devraj: (mumbling to himself) I didn’t read about this side effect anywhere.

Me: …..and even assuming corona is some hyped up common cold, if you enter a hospital be assured that you will be charged a bomb and you would have wished you wore that 20 Rs mask.

Devraj: but public hospitals..

Me: No buts. I know you are going to say government hospitals are free. I also know how you and a lot of people including my own grandmother feel that you won’t come back alive if you go into one. That is by the way very untrue. The corporation took excellent care of us when my mom was unwell and we all had to home isolate.

Full on monologue mode now

I know you have every reason to mistrust the institutions in this country. The politicians, the hospitals, the country. But believe me when I say corona is real. And Also if you don’t wear a mask in front of me or remove it while talking I will not give you any more work. Your belief should not hurt me!

Devraj: Okay ma’am. Since you are saying so much I will wear a mask from now on.

Me: Also wear it to cover your nose not your chin. I am saying this because I care about your life. You are moving in the Courts every day and meeting 100s of people who think like this. Protect yourself!

Devraj: Okay ma’am. Mask on from now on. Thank you.

Me: No I should Thank you!


Thursday, December 24, 2020

Amorous Ashes


This post is dedicated to Deepika who has been a constant pillar of support. Thanks for always helping me painstakingly - be it my blog or love life or buying the right gift. You're the best! 

A Repressed soul

Shouting from inside no more.

I exude confidence in the

Smoke I puff out

Little do you know

I did it by

 burning my soul

And those Amorous Ashes

Won’t stay inside no more.


I want to pour myself

Unto a vessel like you

And hope you make sense of me

And whisper me my truth.

I can’t keep looking

for someone

Who doesn’t exist inside

no more.


Far too long

I have been comfortably numb

Make me feel

With your pinprick gaze

Pull by hand

Muscles floating in outer space

Rub my eyes

So I can see through the haze

Define reality

By sealing my lips

Drive me home

From this dauntless daze!