Sunday, July 25, 2021



Cristina yang once told Meredith something on the lines that - just because my life doesn’t look like yours (with a husband and kids) doesn’t mean I haven’t changed or grown. Although I am firmly team Meredith almost at all times, those words ring very true to me now. I am in this transitional period between college and settling down aka ‘adulting’. What are the signs of this dreary process?

  1. You’re tired all the time for starters.
  2. You enter the real world and it slowly chews you up -with sheer routine.
  3. You end up forgetting what your dreams and goals were.
  4. Your priorities shift. We just want to be peaceful now.
  5. You cringe about the missteps you made in your troubled teen/ cherubic childhood days.
  6. You realise you have maybe outgrown this phase and want to ‘settle down’ 

Atleast these hold true in my case mostly. I was trying to maintain the momentum of college and just have fun with my career of being an advocate. But after three years of dealing with other people’s problems, I admit that I tend to ignore mine blatantly and ‘go with the flow’. I realise now that this has made me stop growing emotionally. I am afraid of making mistakes, I don’t even like risks anymore yet I jump between one bad impulsive decision to another. That’s because I push every thought to some deep recess of my mind and it just  comes up when I’m vulnerable and I end up doing things I regret the next second.

Yet people who are around me have no clue about this because I do not give them a clue and then I hold it against them without them having a clue about it still. I have words like ‘strong’ and ‘robot’ being thrown at me and it cuts deep because I seldom feel that way but always wear that mask. I don’t know if everyone else feels like an imposter living their life, I certainly do. I feel deeply unworthy of my life but hey I am atleast trying to face it and move on from this vulnerable state by looking at it straight in the eye.

(368 words)

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


Less is more?

Snores & s’mores! 

I called him a bore 

                        Now he is no more.