Every human being
needed to eat, stay safe and warm and be away from harm. Homogenity drove us
together. Then a problem of surplus ensued and greed followed so much so that
civilization had to be formed with rules and laws and punishment. Groups of
people who all had the same needs wanted more land to thrive, another group of
people with the same needs fought them back. War ensued frequently , what was
once simple was never once more that. Power breeds corruption and so now the
flocks of people had to face attacks from outside AND civil wars inside.
The drudgery of daily
life and the meaninglessness of it all drove the common man to hedonistic
temptations. Soon the pursuit of wants over needs became the motto of the
society. By indulging in these short term gains, the search for self
actualization was lost till it was too late to search anymore. Only terminal
illness or major disaster brought any reflection at all. Whole nations just
wanted more instead of loving less.
We started
differentiating with each other more, even when people went communist there
were no equals. Repressed anger exploded societies. Human beings now have
naturally selected within themselves to differentiate between their own
species. Hierarchy has existed at every institution always to the detriment of
the perceived weaker sections.
Moments of individual
kindness and collective crisis of the conscience are rare but what keeps this
species afloat. Even when in an era of purported peace all we do is turn a
blind eye to every other atrocity so that it won’t burn our bubbles to shreds.
War or peace, we need to be conscious and content more.