Friday, September 23, 2022

Enough is a Feast


Every human being needed to eat, stay safe and warm and be away from harm. Homogenity drove us together. Then a problem of surplus ensued and greed followed so much so that civilization had to be formed with rules and laws and punishment. Groups of people who all had the same needs wanted more land to thrive, another group of people with the same needs fought them back. War ensued frequently , what was once simple was never once more that. Power breeds corruption and so now the flocks of people had to face attacks from outside AND civil wars inside.

The drudgery of daily life and the meaninglessness of it all drove the common man to hedonistic temptations. Soon the pursuit of wants over needs became the motto of the society. By indulging in these short term gains, the search for self actualization was lost till it was too late to search anymore. Only terminal illness or major disaster brought any reflection at all. Whole nations just wanted more instead of loving less.  

We started differentiating with each other more, even when people went communist there were no equals. Repressed anger exploded societies. Human beings now have naturally selected within themselves to differentiate between their own species. Hierarchy has existed at every institution always to the detriment of the perceived weaker sections.

Moments of individual kindness and collective crisis of the conscience are rare but what keeps this species afloat. Even when in an era of purported peace all we do is turn a blind eye to every other atrocity so that it won’t burn our bubbles to shreds. War or peace, we need to be conscious and content more.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Writing a wrong

For the PU prompt ‘ to write about a time when we realized we were wrong about something, and what we did after the realization hit us.’

I thought I was making the right choice

At that time

You ticked all the boxes 

on paper 


I was boxed into a corner 

Crushed by your corny love 

Heck I wasn’t even horny no more.

I decided to sleepwalk through life

If I opened my eyes truly

We both knew 

This would be already over 

You lovingly blindfolded me 

I loathingly cuckolded you. 

I woke up one day 

And decided to live the truth 

Consequences be damned 

I still remember your cries

As I sunk into my sofa 

We were away by so far


I never deserved this 

Kind of love 

But you said 

I’m incapable of love

Called me a robot 

The only time you spoke your mind 

Was when I was leaving you behind. 

I bleed too.

I’m thriving now

Hope you are too