Monday, July 13, 2020

Ludo Queen

So in lieu of my recent continued obsession with the game ‘Ludo King’, I have come to the conclusion that life is very similar to a game of  Ludo. Most people think it is the oversimplistic Snakes and ladders and a few would like to think that it is a complicated game of chess. The fact is that while in Snakes and Ladders we have ZERO control of the game and we are essentially leaving it to chance , in chess we are the masters of our own destiny. Neither situation really reflects life as it is.


Life like I said is a game of Ludo. It is the culmination of a seemingly predictable algorithm coupled with pure roll of the dice and strategic movement of your tokens. There are 2 ways to play it – either aggressively look to take out your opponent’s tokens to move forward or play the safe game and focus on the moves which will lead you to not be killed. It is fight or flee all over again. But again it is a question of responding to what the situation demands of you. Sometimes if you chicken out of taking the token which is right in front of you , others might start attacking you thinking you are a weakling . Or sometimes, while all your tokens are in the safe zone guarded by luck you might get cocky and try to grab what is not yours and end up back in square one.


So don’t be a cock or a chicken. Be your own wonderful self! Trust your instinct always. The gut always seems to process past defeats in a better fashion than your logical brain .

Earn your coins , enjoy the journey however tumultuous it gets. If all your tokens are back in the hut , don’t give up automatically. Atleast in the algorithm based universe perseverance has a price. Remember, giving up never has no upside! Also remember that this is just some elaborate game and it makes no sense to take it so seriously. Death might just be the end of a simulation for all we know. Okay. I am going to stop typing now :P


My Random Musings

(365 words)

Friday, July 3, 2020

Quarantine Nananana!


There used to be a time

When I walked on the pavement

Now without it being any crime

I walk on the middle of  once jam packed roads

(Like the above sentence)

With absolute amazement!


The angles are absolutely marvellous

For amateur photography

Corona has been overzealous

In bringing back the original topography


Once this all ends

Will be ready to make amends?

Or go back to the mad rush

And talk about these truths in a hush?


I would like think

(However naively )

Since everything including the kitchen sink

Has been quarantined

That maybe the lockdown has sanitized us?


Maybe the mask

Has given emphasis to our eyes

Which will open itself

To All Systemic Atrocities &

Natural Calamities.

And to the fact that –

Anti Maskers are the worst virus of humanity!


 Written for PU's Midweek motif  "Pavements" but since I am late I shall link up on Sunday!