Saturday, December 3, 2022

The Anemic Hemophiliac

 prompt 'bleeding heart' 



Bleeding heart

Don’t let it start

It will never stop,

Till it one day drops.

Then please bring out the harps

and the orchestra and what not.


Nature or nurture?

Just cannot escape these vultures

Feasting on the flesh of my heart

At one point I just let it to rot

Forgetting they were cannibals after all. 


So better to bleed boldly

My love and care and worries

Along with the hemoglobin

Towards humanity & you

Than zombify myself   

And project coolness

Only to be lifted on a coffin

On the way out.




Bloody heart beats for you &

Bleeds for humanity

Bends down for humility &

Bombards for atrocity


Blood is a sign of oxygen pumping

Bathing out our concern in a 

Bright red colour.


Pain is a sign of growing

Past the vultures

Who are a sign of success.

Keep feeling

One day it will lead to fruitful action.





  1. Wow, you sure went to town on that one! Lost in admiration of your wordplay.

  2. The bright color, a red flag? The pain a sign of growth. Bleed boldly. So much to ponder here.

  3. Wow, Samyukta. That was a delightful take. Loved every bit of it. And I empathise the same too

  4. Yes, there is so much in your poem to ponder. Even more profound as I am in the throws of grieving the loss of my oldest daughter.

  5. "Then please bring out the harps

    and the orchestra and what not."

    Enjoyed this poem.

  6. "Keep feeling
    One day it will lead to fruitful action."

    We can hope.


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