Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Valar Morgulis

This is the 21st century
Flying automobiles may not be far away
Yet justice remains a distant dream
For young women in the Pollachi
Who got sucked into the blackhole
Where technology trapped their innocent minds
And cameras coveted their flesh
By predatory influential men
Who blackmailed them to no end
And silenced their horrors
with the concept of shame.
It is the girls who are blamed
For chatting with these imposters online
And befalling shame upon their families
For risking their virginity and honor.
A woman is just a sum of her body parts
A badge of honor
A Flawless flagship
All at the same time.

The boys?
They will remain boys ofcourse
Reprimanded for their glaring errors
Cajoled for their lighter ones
They will grow out of it yaar.

The trauma?
Will be forgotten
Swept under the bloody carpet
And the closet of skeletons
Put on a brave face
Act like nothing happened
Better yet
If they just die
And put their family out of their miseries
Because broken women
are a blot on this society
and we would much rather gossip
on how a woman must have tortured
that her husband had to stab her in the family court*
 rather than
have a real conversation about Pollachi.
This is the 21st century
And ‘women empowerment adorns every manifesto.
Thank you so much.

See links on Pollachi rape here
and family court stabbing here

Monday, March 4, 2019

Modern Kindness

What is it to be kind ,
In this mocking (modern) 
Day and age?

To smile at a stranger 
Give them the heeby jeebies 😬

Be a loyal friend 
Who money can’t amend

To trust in humanity 
And better side of this 
Cunning(human) populace?

To just be decent 
With no strings attached .

To be good 
To more than just your blood.

And to do all this
Even when no one is really watching.

(I think I can’t come up with a better picture for this poem. Two of the kindest souls 😚)
Okay my kindness quota for the year is over 😂