Saturday, November 30, 2019

She knew

He was so good for her they said. She should be lucky to have him. He was successful in his career , he was caring , he claimed to love her very much , he constantly kept complimenting her. Constantly. He was her caste. He was a true gentleman. He always said the right things. But beneath that seemingly perfect man was an actual asshole waiting to burst out. He however never showed it. But she could feel it in her bones. The way he said things which she wanted to hear. The way his lips curled down sometimes when he was getting bothered but chose not to show. The way he made every decisions hers and basked in the radiance of his magnanimity. The way he loved playing victim. Constantly making her the villain with his actions and not words. The signs were so subtle sometimes she thought she was imagining them. No one would believe her even if she told. Her own mom was smitten by him. But she knew.
 #abusivemen #ministories #theyknow #theyknowthatweknow #mentalhealth #meredithgrey #instastories 

Saturday, November 23, 2019


Dedicated to the man because of whom anonymous comments are disabled for all. And who is now commenting on a fake id now.

You asked me out 
I said I will rather die from the gout
You then claimed I wasn't clear 
and wanted me to come near 
If i could just open my ears 
and only hear
how much "I love you my dear"

You can call me a hoe 
but No means No.

I blocked you there
and to be honest 
what I thought was everywhere.
and now you have the gall to come HERE
my blog my sacred sanctuary
and comment without your name!
Have you no shame?
This is not a game. 

You may low
and lamenting full of sorrow
but a NO is still a NO

I report you to your boss
and you spew more lies
I am not Rachel
 you are definitely NO Ross &
we definitely were never friends
So please don't try to make amends.

No will always be No
and No you cannot call me a hoe. 
or a bro.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Secret

By Samyuktha J

my response to the book I'm reading which really pissed me off with serendipity and positive thinking when what the world needs right now is constructive action. 

A picture speaks a 1000 words
An action speaks a 100 thoughts
How you treat your mother
speaks more than your tweets
On Feminism.

So rise and shine
And wake up to this universal truth
Packaged as a secret
To make you excited~

Action counts more than thoughts!

All the wishful thinking in the world
Will conspire against you
Yellow brick road or not.

Serendipity may await the believer
At the end of the magical rainbow
Along with pots of gold.
Wash your face with the raindrops
And look at the reflection in the dirtypuddle
A lazy hypocrite praying without acting
Should not claim a windfall at all.

Also for Poet united's midweek motif The awakening