Thursday, May 7, 2020

What once was


We are plagued by memories

By what once was

Ours to cherish

But not cherished.


To collaborate with &

Not compete against.

To break a for given bond

Without any thought given

Absent mindedly

Like how dusts of disinterest and distance

Began to gather over us



But we are still friends,

Still as dead water.

Of silent tears

Which were (never) cried.


Saturday, May 2, 2020

Liquid Heart


 ##skylover wordlist - Alchemy , implacable , knight , aqua , mask , aloof , almond , nocturnal , landscape , sting.



These nocturnal mornings..

A product of virus induced,

Unstable raging routines

Sting me just a bit more when

It dawns upon me that,


My knight in shining whatever

Will find it just a bit more impossible

To track me down.

My face covered with equal measures

Aloofness & N97 masks.


My implacable heart demands

An alchemy of sorts

Or atleast a reverse osmosis

Of this aquatic almond

In the centre of my chest,


To leak the leanings of my liquid heart

Unto the larger landscape

And hope love finds me

Before it is a bit too late.


I thank Kerry for her monthly word list. That really inspired me and I ended up incorporating all the words to make one poem.